Remedial Hot Stone Massage
Remedial Hot Stone Massage is a unique style of massage that utilises a mixture of remedial techniques as well as hot and cold therapies.
This style recognises that each of the body’s systems are interconnected and function as a whole, not in isolation. This allows you to receive a more effective massage treatment that addresses your condition from a holistic perspective.
You can enjoy a more luxurious feeling massage whilst still receiving the therapy needed.

What We Treat
Sports Injuries
Chronic Pain
Pre and Post Surgery
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)
Pregnancy and Postnatal Pain
Low Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Headaches and Migraines
Frozen Shoulder
Our Skill Set
Through the dynamic use of multiple massage techniques Felicity is able to work in a more efficient manner, helping resolve underlying issues quicker and with longer lasting results.
These techniques include: