Clinical pilates programs are expertly tailored by our Sports Chiropractor Dr Grace who is also equipped with clinical pilates qualifications through The Pilates Institute of Queensland. As a sports chiropractor, she is well versed with the musculoskeletal system which adds an extra element of clinical knowledge to the exercises.
The classes at Wholesome Health Chiropractic (WHC) are mat based classes that embrace a combo of posture awareness, flexibility, deep core strength, pelvic stability, balance, co-ordination and some relaxation time too.
An initial assessment ensures:
• We put an exercise plan into place that addresses your individual movement goals and needs
• Your pushing your movement boundaries while minimising injury risk
• Learn about ‘spinal neutral’ and how to activate those deep abdominals so you’re ready to take on the class.
We have a range of classes on offer at WHC that cater for all levels from beginners to the gurus of pilates looking for a challenge. Here’s a snippet of who can do pilates at WHC:
Pre and Post natal mammas
Looking to have a baby, pregnant or just had a baby then it’s worth checking clinical pilates out. There is a focus on strengthening your deep abdominals and pelvic floor aka your core stabilising muscles while also taking the pressure off your back and hips through gentle mobility work. The beauty of Clinical Pilates is that Dr Grace can modify the exercises according to what stage of motherhood you’re at. Plus your little bundles of joy are welcome too.
Men, Males and Bros
Otherwise known as Man-lates, because real men do pilates. In fact, did you know that pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates; the manliest of men who was also a wrestler, body-builder and professional boxer! If you are a male you’d probably find your flexibility is often below average and your core doesn’t work as well as it should. Lucky for you Clinical Pilates at WHC has a rather large focus on flexibility and deep core strength (not just your six-pack) so you can get your body moving at its best.
Over 60s
As we get a little wiser over the years our body often falls victim to some of the physical stresses we’ve exposed them including sitting at a desk job, bending, twisting and lifting just to name a few. Clinical Pilates at WHC for the over 60s hone in on improving posture, flexibility, balance, co-ordination and control. If you move better, you not only feel better but age better too.
Athletic pros and not so pros
Beginner to Advanced levels of pilates for the amateur athlete to the professional, young and old. Dr Grace combines strength and conditioning principles with clinical pilates to enhance muscle control, flexibility, strength and body awareness. These classes will help you stay on the field and off the bench.
Office Olympians
Do you find yourself almost headbutting the computer screen by the end of the day? Are your shoulders aching or maybe your lower back is making some noise too? These are the aches and pains that come hand in hand with being an office olympian. Clinical Pilates at WHC helps you stretch your shoulders and chest out, improve mobility in your neck and low back, correct your posture and gives you a chance to relax and breathe a little better too.
If you want to feel Awesome
You don’t have to have an injury to attend. Clinical Pilates is a fab way to keep fit and healthy while working on your flexibility, control, balance, core strength and posture. These are all fundamental to moving better and feeling awesome.
Classes aren’t run in terms rather you can buy class passes in lots of 5 or 10.
• Improved core strength
• Increased flexibility
• Reduced neck and back pain
• Improved balance and co-ordination
• Injury prevention
• Better Posture
• Aid with rehabilitation
There’s strong evidence in the literature that supports therapeutic exercises (such as those in our clinical pilates classes) are particularly effective in relieving low back pain.
Clinical Pilates is happening at The Healthy Movement Hub on Tuesday Evenings and Thursday mornings.
If you still have unanswered questions please give Dr Grace a call 02 67712909 or whip up an email to drgrace@wholesomehealthchiro.com.au
Book your spot on the mat today
So now you are well versed with Clinical Pilates why not book yourself in and test it out for yourself.