Do you treat your soft tissue injuries with PEACE and LOVE?

We DoYou may be familiar with the terms ICE, RICE, PRICE or POLICE for managing your soft tissue injuries such as a sprained ankle, strained hamstring or jarred finger. For those of you not familiar with PRICE or POLICE the following will fill you in: ProtectionRestIceCompressionElevationProtectionOptimalLoadingIceCompressionElevationThese methods focus on the immediate management of a soft tissue injury and although widely …

The 3 Most Common Pregnancy Pains and the 4 Key Ways We Can Combat Them!

Pregnancy is a roller coaster of a ride both emotionally and physically.  A pregnancy term ranges between 38-40 weeks, which is a long time to be on a roller coaster! But it doesn’t have to be a scary and painful ride. As a sports chiropractor with a particular interest in women’s health I have jotted down 4 key ways we …

Mental Health Checklist – How is your mental health hygiene?

Just like physical health everyone has mental health too! (it isn’t just those who have been diagnosed with a mental illness or disease). WHO (the world health organisation) defines mental health as:“a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is …

Myth Busting Back Pain

As a chiropractor, back pain is my thing! And according to the Australian stats back pain is also your thing too.Back pain is one of the most common health complaints as it is estimated that 70-90% of you will suffer back problems at some stage in your life.With so many people with bad backs its no wonder there are some …